Reminder: Cigar Inn/Cigar Aficionado Tribute to their Patrons
October 13, 2011
Don’t miss this spectacular cigar event! On Thursday, October 20, 2011, Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado will honor their patrons in a most unique and special way. The owners of this fine establishment will permanently display the faces of their beloved cigar smoking family on a 320 square foot mural. The canvas mural will have 200 familiar faces painted on it by an artist that has been commissioned to create it. This is an event you don’t want to miss. Come and celebrate with your fellow cigar enthusiasts and friends at the Cigar Inn. Bass, Guss and Billy hit the ball out of the park with this one…hope to see you there!
Press Release: Cigar Inn / Cigar Aficionado
A Tribute to Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado Members.
Dear Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado members and clients,
As of Thursday October 20th, 2011, Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado are pleased to announce the completion of their recent tribute to their patrons. The owners of thelounge have commissioned a 320 sq. ft mural for their Second Avenue location representing approximately 200 different but familiar faces. An artist was hired to come to the lounge on various days and photograph the attending clients and then transcribe them onto canvas in extensive panels. The mural depicts throngs of individuals enjoying the timeless predilection for the subtlety and nuance of the cigar. Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado wanted to celebrate the people that came and joined them in mutual appreciation of refined taste and quality. Though the amount of clients Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado holds at most value could never fit on a wall, the mural was commissioned as a symbol of the unity they feel with the men they’ve had the privilege and pleasure to share an exceptional cigar. So now Cigar Inn and Cigar Aficionado invites you to their lounge once more, to relish in the bond that can only be formed over the art of good cigars, coupled with the art of painting. The event will take place at: 7 pm, Thursday October 20th, 2011 at Cigar Inn /Cigar Aficionado Lounge located at 1016 2nd Ave (between 54th and 53rd streets). All attendants will be welcomed with ordeurves, drinks, and 2 complimentary cigars from Nestor Miranda and La Aurora . To make this a memorable event La Aurora cigar Company will give a free Limited box of Aurora Excepcionales“ La Isla Manhattan” Special size 54×6” Dark Wrapper for every La Aurora and Nestor Miranda box sold. For any questions, please feel free to call 1(212) 750-0809. 1(212) 717-7403.
Thank You
Bass, Guss and Billy
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